Privacy policy


FIVE-E GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, S.L. (hereinafter ” Five-e Five-e “), with registered offices at Calle Somera 5, 2º, 28023 Madrid, is the owner of this website, and is responsible for the personal data provided by users through it.

The user is informed and consents to the processing of the data provided while browsing the website and those generated as a result of the use of the same, including, where appropriate, communications or international transfers of data that may be made, for the purposes indicated in the section “How do we process your personal data? For what purposes do we process your personal data?

In the event that the data provided refers to third parties other than the user, the user guarantees to have obtained and have the prior consent of the same for the communication of their data and to have informed them, prior to providing them, of the purposes of the processing, communications and other terms provided in the section Information on Data Protection.

The user guarantees the accuracy and veracity of the personal data provided, undertaking to keep them duly updated and to inform Five-e of any variation that may occur.

The use of this website is subject to the Privacy Policy and Processing of Personal Data, the Terms of Use detailed below, as well as the Cookies Policy. Please read them carefully. Accessing this website and using the materials contained in it implies that you have previously read and accepted, without reservation, these policies and conditions.


Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

The information and/or personal data you provide to us are processed by:

Identity: FIVE-E, S.L.
Postal address: Calle Somera 5, 2º, 28023 Madrid.
Telephone: (+34) 689603366

What data do we keep?

Five-e obtains information about its users. The data retained are:

All data included in the curricula vitae of those interested in joining Five-e in order to correctly manage the selection processes to be carried out; and

Name and surname, company if applicable, and e-mail address of those users who send forms requesting information from Five-e.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

Five-eFive-e will process all data provided voluntarily while browsing the website, as well as all data obtained or generated as a result of your browsing on the Internet web pages or other means, for the following purposes:

Management of the reception of resumes of candidates interested in joining Five-e, Five-e in order to manage them in the best possible way for the candidate.

Reception of questions / inquiries regarding Five-e and its activity, to inform those interested about Five-e, what exactly it does, and to establish solid relationships with potential clients.

All data collected, as well as the treatments and purposes indicated above are necessary or are related to the proper service and management of the website, as well as, where appropriate, the maintenance, development and control of the relationship with Five-e.

For how long will we keep your personal data?

The personal data provided will be kept for the period of time determined on the basis of the following criteria: (i) legal obligation of conservation; and, (ii) request for deletion by the interested party in the cases in which it is appropriate.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

The legal basis for the processing of your data for the purposes included in the section “For what purposes do we process your personal data?” is the consent of the data subject.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Five-e may communicate your data, exclusively for the purposes indicated in the section “For what purposes do we process your personal data?”, to third parties with which it enters into collaboration agreements.

Within the framework of the communications indicated in the previous paragraph, international transfers of data to third countries or international organizations may be carried out, whether or not there is an adequacy decision by the European Commission with respect to them. International transfers to countries that cannot guarantee an adequate level of protection shall be of an exceptional nature and shall be carried out provided that they are essential for the development of its relationship with the entity.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Under the terms and to the extent established in the regulations in force, any person has the right to:

confirm whether or not Five-e is processing personal data concerning him/her, to have access to such data and to the information related to its processing;

request the rectification of inaccurate data;

request the deletion of the data when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, in which case Five-e  will stop processing the data except for the exercise or defense of possible claims;

request the restriction of the processing of your data, in which case they may only be processed with your consent, with the exception of their storage and use for the exercise or defence of claims or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of substantial public interest of the European Union or of a specific Member State;

object to the processing of your data, in which case, Five-e  will stop processing the data, except for the defense of possible claims;

receive in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format the personal data concerning you that you have provided to Five-e , or request that it be transmitted directly to another controller where technically feasible; and

withdraw the consent given, if applicable, for the purpose included in the section “For what purpose do we process your personal data?”, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

The above rights of access, rectification, deletion and portability can be exercised directly by the owner of the data or through a legal representative or volunteer, through written communication addressed to the Legal Department of Five-e .

The owner of the data may file a complaint before the Spanish Data Protection Agency, especially when he/she considers that he/she has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of his/her rights, through the web page enabled for such purposes by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.


Five-e  disclaims any responsibility for the information on this website from sources outside the Five-e  Group, as well as the contents not produced by the same. The function of the links  that appear on this page is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet, where you can expand the data provided on this website. Five-e will in no case be responsible for the results obtained through such hypertext links.


The user undertakes to make good use of the Web site, being understood as good use that which is in accordance with current legislation, good faith and public order.

In turn, the user undertakes not to use the Web site for fraudulent purposes, as well as not to carry out any act aimed at damaging, rendering useless or overloading the Web site, or preventing, in any way, the normal use and operation of the same.

The user is informed that, in case of breach of the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy or any other terms or conditions contained in the Web site, Five-e  reserves the right to limit, suspend or block access to the Web site, through any technical measure it deems necessary to achieve it.


All rights reserved. The design of the portal and its source codes, as well as the logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear in it belong to Five-e  and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

It is strictly forbidden, without the written authorization of the copyright holders, the reproduction, distribution, transformation, manipulation, public communication or any other act of total or partial, free or onerous exploitation of the texts, images or any other content appearing on the website.

Five-e reserves the right to make, at any time and without notice, as many modifications, variations, deletions or cancellations in the contents and in the form of presentation of the same they deem necessary, either temporarily or permanently, the user must ensure that at all times use the updated version. This faculty does not grant users any right to receive compensation for damages.